Decomposition and composting
Decomposition is the process by which structures and molecules
contained in organic matter are broken down into smaller, simpler compounds.
Mineralisation describes the complete decomposition of compounds into
their component elements. Decomposition is mediated by the activities
of decomposer organisms (principally bacteria and fungi) and is regulated
by the chemical composition of the material being decomposed and environmental
conditions such as temperature, moisture and nutrient availability.
Figure 1. Decomposition of alder leaves and
birch leaves under natural conditions. Alder leaves break down more quickly
than birch leaves, perhaps because they contain more nitrogen; a nutrient
essential for microorganisms.
During the first few weeks of composting, large numbers of
microorganisms consume low and medium molecular weight ‘labile’
compounds, such as sugars and amino acids, contained in the organic matter
being composted. During this feeding frenzy so much energy is released
by their break-down that the temperature of the compost increases to 55
degrees centigrade or above (Figure 2).
It is this temperature increase that distinguishes composting from natural
decomposition of organic matter.
Figure 2. Temperature change when the biodegradable
fraction of household rubbish is composted together with green waste collected
from municipal parks and gardens. The high temperatures kill harmful microorganisms
such as E. coli that may be found in rubbish, but it is not enough
to kill the thermophillic
microorganisms doing the composting.
When the supply of labile compounds is diminished, the temperature of
the compost decreases and other groups of microorganisms, including basidiomycete
fungi (such as white rot fungi) begin to slowly break down high molecular
weight compounds, such as lignin and celluloses. The texture, colour and
biochemical characteristics of the finished compost are determined largely
by these complex compounds, which will themselves decompose, but over
a much longer timescale.
Many detailed explanations of decomposition and composting
are available (see links). Cornell
University’s composting site provides particularly good background
information on the process of decomposition and the factors that regulate